This is A NEW crescent metal buttplate forthe Winchester 1890 pump .22, model 1904, 1892, 1894, 1895, and late 1886 RIFLES. The Winchester 1873 RIFLE used this buttplate after serial number 550,000 (October of 1903 the change was adopted from the long tang to the short tang). The model 1886 started using this buttplate at around 60,000 and at 95,000 this style was used exclusively. (This is considered the short tang buttplate in regards to the 1873 and 1886). It comes in the "white"- not blued. Options files are available to remove the chunk of metal that most other companies leave on, and another option is available to remove the extra metal on the seam. You can purchase this buttplate with these two features taken off, and the surface sanded, or you can save yourself some money and do this finishing yourself. The countersunk holes are also in place and you will NOT have to drill them. You will have to do the final fine sanding and to blue it. It is an exact replica of the original buttplate issued by the Winchester factory.