This is the LARGE CALIBER magazine tube for Winchester lever action rifle and carbine in models 1866, 1873, 1892, 1894 (pre and post 64), in .30-.30, .38 WCF .38-.40, 38-55, .44 WCF .44-.40 .45, .357 53, 64 also fits Uberti and Marlin large callibers . These tubes have an OUTSIDE DIAMETER of .645 are blued and have a hole drilled through the Forearm magazine plug screw. There are no notches in the tube hanger ring pin or band screws so you are able to precisely fit the tube to your rifle. This tube fits the model 1866 (after serial num 14,000) 1873 (after approximately serial number 50,000) and model 1892 in .38 WCF /.38-40 and .44WCF / .44-.40 cal and the model 1894 in ALL cals. This is also the magazine tube Marlin models 1894, 1889, and early 1893, as well as the Sears model 54. The MAGAZINE SPRING that goes in this tube is part number ms73 (it comes with instructions on what length the spring should be cut to in relation to the length of your tube). USE THE DROP DOWN LIST BELOW to choose the length of the tube that you want. For FULL LENGTH mag tubes: If your barrel is 20 inches then you want a 19 1/4 inch tube. Barrels that are 24 inches use the 23 9/16 inch tube. 26-inch barrels use the 25 1/4 or 26-inch tube. Or there is an option to have it custom cut to your desired length (anywhere under 26 inches) You can place the length that you require in the comment section on the checkout page.